Lovely write up from Swing Patrol about our upcoming Shag & Lindy workshop in Melbourne

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Hi there

Here’s eight great reasons why the upcoming workshop with Peter Flahiff & Lauren Smith has many of us buzzing. The workshop details are all on our website but the summary is:

What: A day of Collegiate Shag and a day of high level Lindy Hop workshops, with top visiting international instructors. Register for either day or the full weekend.

When: Sat 28 July – Collegiate Shag (basic knowledge assumed)
Sun 29 July – Lindy Hop (for intermediate/advanced swing dancers)

Where: Forever Dance – Level 1/432 Church St. Richmond VIC 3121

Online registrations close Friday 27 July.

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Watch Peter & Lauren’s super smooth style.

Anyway… we hope we have convinced you to consider. See you at the workshop.

Swing Patrol Melbourne